torsdag 13 mars 2014

The full monty - words

Yesterday I was browsing in some shops.

We have girders in our roof.

I need a hundred quids to by a bike to my daughter.

I saw a lad and a lassie were buying kits together last week.

Sometimes certain people can be quite daft.

When you make a goal in a soccer game you get some pride.

If you're outside when the rain is pouring, I'm sure that you'll be soaking.

Some people who have been through accidents can be numb in some parts of their bodies.

If a kid's parents are divorced the mum or dad can have sole custody, but if they are married and live together they have joint custody of the kid.

People who doesn't have any work can be on the dole instead.

Criminal people gets into the court if they get arrested.

Thief's can be nicking cars if they don't have any.

"Here's your lunch."
"Ta, mother. That was kind of you."

"Did you like the one I got you for christmas?"
"Yes I did! Cheers!"

My son is a bugle player, and he plays every sunday.

It's not kind to tell anyone that they're tubby, even if they actually are.

When singers have gigs or concerts they are singing to an audience.

I get embarrassed if I say the wrong answer in front of everyone in class.

"She was a bugger for stealing my clothes on the beach."
"Yes, I agree."

"Look! He's about to jump from 12 meter high diving tower!"
"What a nutter! That's too high to jump from!"

"He can piss off!"
"Don't talk about him like that. He is actually my pal."

My grandparents garden is full of small gnomes.

Every time when you're in a store I have to stand in the queue to pay for the item you're going to buy.

It's not nice to call a girl a tart.

If a boy is in love with another boy, he's called a poof.

All guys have a willy, if not, they can't pee.

People who get really drunk on parties often gets a hangover the next day.

Girls often wear bras under their shirts.

"Did you send your application for the guitar course?"
"Yes mom, I did that yesterday."

"Don't you think that boy's clothes look obsolete?"
"Yes, they really does."

My foreman is pretty mean to me when I am at my work.

"Do you reckon I should buy the blue shorts or the black shorts?"
"I think the blue ones would look better on you."

People who is climbing mountains are on high heights."

"Can you borrow me 50 brass?"

I have many skills in cooking.

"Do you want to go and swim with me this afternoon?
"No, I'm no up to it."

"Hey! Stop fighting!"
"Don't give a toss!"

I don't want to go to my soccer training today, I'm all in after the day in school.

"Would you like a glass of water too?"
"No, nowt. I am not thirsty."

To get two pieces of metal together, you have to weld.

There is a joint on the bench.

"Hey! Long time no see!"
"Are things looking up?"
"Yes, everything has turned to the better."

My girlfriend showed up in a very nice dress yesterday. That's what grace is!

It was a relief that I passed the test.

Obviously, Barack Obama isn't from China.

Parents take responsibility for their children.

My best friends are marvellous.

I want a wishing well so my biggest dreams can come true.

I have a dodgy hip after that accident last year,

"Do you know? I bought a new car yesterday!"
"Blimey! Kors! What color is it?"

"Aren't you two going to have bathing suits while you swim?"
"No! We dare to be bare!"

To buy a new computer I need to borrow a grand of my father.

"You're ahead! Don't run so fast!"
"You're late, you have to run faster! Hahaha!"

My sister found a little hurt rabbit yesterday and she took it home. Our dad told her to get rid of it.

"Are you sure that you and your friends are going to prank the teacher so much?"
"Yes, we're going all the way! It's going to be fun!"

"Hahaha! Look at her falling to the ground all the time!"
"Stop make her a laughing stock!" (???)

When me and my band was at our rehearsal earlier it didn't went really well.

It was a real emergency when my friends kitchen was set on fire.

I have to by new trunks before summer.

My brother just got a daughter, and I love my new niece.

I had to say sorry to my math teacher when my homework was delayed.

"You can't go to the pool in the buff! Get a bikini on!"

I leave some of my clothe to the laundry to get them clean.

"I heard that David got a new girlfriend."
"No he didn't, that's just bollocks."

Criminal people can get charged because of crimes they've done.

"Can you go to the grocery store and buy some fruit?"
"I'm sorry mom, but I have an appointment with a friend."

One of the families in my town got to the social services because they didn't have enough money.

If my mother got unemployed we would not have enough money to go on a vacation.

I am worried that my man have been indecent with another woman.

"Do you want some more clothes with you for the holiday?"
"No, I can cope."

My friend got robbed, and he told me that his lawyer was very good at helping him.

Kids under 18 is not allowed into parties.

My ex-boyfriend is a twat.

"Wow, that guy's pecs are really hot, don't you think?"

It's a fortnight left until my birthday.

"I found you! Your hiding place is exposed!"

"Do you guys want to go to the beach?"
"Yes! We're on!"

"Have you seen that Sandra got glasses?"
"Yes, that's obvious."

I want 20 bob, because I want to buy candy.

My dream is to stand on stage and sing.

I get sad when people says that they want to take suicide.

"I am nervous for my presentation today."
"Just do your stuff and it will be great!"

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