tisdag 4 november 2014

English: What am I doing during the lessons?


What have I done?
Everyone had to decide what to work with as individuals for a few weeks ahead. My decision was a little hard, but I decided to write a text about Anne Frank and her diary. She lived in the 18th century, and that's also what we're working with outside the english lessons. 
Today I have read facts about Anne as a start to my writing, because I didn't had so much time left of the lesson. 

What am I going to do until the next lesson?
I will start to write about Anne Frank.


What am I going to do?
I will write about Anne Frank, and come very far on the text. Right now I've only written a little bit.

What have I done?
Today I've written very much. The text is now on it's way to become a big work about Anne, her diary, concentration camps, and also a little bit about Hitler.


What am I going to do?
Like the last time, I'll write about Anne Frank.

What have I done?
I have written very much about Anne, and the long text about her life and concentration camps is now finished. I've started to write about her diary, and the history about it; how she started to write it, when it got published and so on.

What am I going to do until the next lesson?
I will finish writing about her diary, and the history about it.


What am I going to do?
I'm going to write about Anne Frank's diary, and if I get bored of it I will read her diary.

What have I done?
I've read a few pages in the book, and I've also written about her diary. Now I'm finished with that.

What am I going to do until the next lesson?
I will figure out a new area to write about that's associated to Anne Frank, and then start to write a little bit. 

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