fredag 10 januari 2014

Stalker - Helen Orme

This book is called "Stalker" and the writer's name is Helen Orme.

The story is about five girls called Siti, Kelly, Rachel, Donna and Lu, and these girls are best friends. No, actually they're more than best friends. They're more like five sisters.
The girls are going to go to a Halloween party near the school this friday evening. Siti and Lu get to Kelly's house to pick her up while Rachel and Donna are at the party, waiting for the three girls.

When the five girls are together at the party they see three boys they know. They're called Gary, Simon and Billy.
The girls hang with the boys for a while, until they're going to ride the Ghost Train. Then Siti and Rachel go and buy some toffee apples.
When they've bought one apple each someone runs to the girls and stoles Siti's apple! Luckly it wasn't a thief, just Siti's brother Daudi. Siti gets mad at him and she's shouting at him. He doesn't care, though, and he's just running away from the girls.

Later this night, Kelly, Rachel and Siti are together. Siti and Rachel wants to ride a roller coaster, but not Kelly. She sees Gary and his friends standing by the bumper cars. Kelly says she can wait there with the boys, but when she get there Gary isn't there! Instead Daudi and his friends are there. They throw an egg in Kelly's hair, and Kelly gets sad. She thinks the evening has been a disaster and she wants to go home.

When Kelly is on her way home she can hear footsteps behind her. Kelly gets a bit scared, and she stops sometimes just to check that no one is behind her. When she hurries the footsteps hurries, and when she slows down the footsteps slow down too.
When she get home she goes upstairs. Then she hear her brother talk to their mum, and he's telling her that he was after Kelly all the time.

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